Intelligent Information Processing Lab

This research Lab aims at the development of intelligent processing methods of any kind of information. Related fields include data mining, text mining, search engines, virtual reality, image processing, and cloud computing. The most important projects conducted in this lab include the development of an image search engine named Kavosh, and the implementation of a webpage classification and filtering system.

دانشگاه صنعتی خواجه نصیرالدین طوسی
Address: Faculty of Computer Engineering,
Seyed Khandan, Shariati Ave,
Tehran, Iran.
Postal Code: 16317-14191
P.O.Box: 16315-1355
Tel: 98 21 8846 2494
Fax: 98 21 8846 2486
All Rights Reserved. Khajeh Nasir Toosi University of Technology